
شركة الإنماء للصناعات الحديدية

شركة الإنماء للصناعات الحديدية

النشاط التجاري: مواد بناء, حديد – مباني حديدية وهياكل, حديد وصلب, حديد تسليح – مقاوم للصدأ


VISION AND STRATEGY We envision ourselves to be partners and catalysts in the booming economic growth and infrastructural development in the region. Alinma Steel was found on the idea of developing our beloved country and not only producing steel but to research, experiment and develop techniques to improve the classic steel production process and develop sustainable and high quality products. Philosophies put aside, we are working not only on being environmentally friendly but are introducing the concept of sustainable steel. We are investing all possibles means to introduce new production techniques and technologies that are beneficial to both our customers and our environment. MD’s MESSAGE We would like to thank you for taking the time to browse through our simple pages. We are a fairly young yet well experienced steel producer based in Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia. Our staff is composed of highly qualified and well seasoned Engineers, MBAs, Technicians and Steel Mill staff who are considered the best in their fields and eventually the foundations of our promised growth. We are strongly committed to quality and customer satisfaction. We take pride in proving the same every day when we start our production lines. We believe we will develop a brand and techniques that will with time, reform the steel industry. We have started small, dreaming big, and guarantee to deliver every thing we promise!​

امتداد الطريق الدائري الشرقي _المشاعل, الدائري الشرقي, الرياض

الهاتف: 011-8102000
محمول: 054-5035534
محمول: 050-5403332
فاكس: 011-2103037

