
Al Hadaf Level Est. For Trading

Al Hadaf Level Est. For Trading
Category(s): Agriculture, Fertilisers & Agricultural Pesticides, Seeds & Bulbs


We manufacture , import and distribute high quality of Agri. inputs especially fertilizers and seeds : * AL HADAF LEVEL FACTORY FOR FERTELIZERS : manufacture all kinds of soluble , liquids , suspensions and foliar of high grade fertilizers . We are agents and distributers for : * ENZA ZADEN – Holland Westfrisian seeds Brand : worldwide proudction and marketing vegetable seeds . *DELTA SEEDS – Holland . *Imperial Valley Seeds , Inc. IVS – USA . Brandon seaweed -Ireland . * * BVB Potting Soil – Holland . * ZASCO BV – Holland . * vet science – Spain . *CITYMAX HUMIC ACID .

2nd Floor, Exit 21, Aziziyah Dist., Riyadh

Landmark Central Vegetable Market

Phone: 011-4955627
Mobile: 055-5206466
Fax: 011-4958689
