Oryx Business Intelligence

Oryx Business Intelligence
Bin Sulaiman Center, Prince Sultan Road, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Establishment year 2007
product – Consumer Profiles – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Consumer Profiles – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
This summary report presents a perspective of the current situation of the Saudi Arabia’s population. Statistics presented segment the Saudi Arabia’s population by age group, gender, city, employment, education and other parameters.
product – Saudi Arabia Economic and Construction Industry Report
Saudi Arabia Economic and Construction Industry Report
Saudi Arabia Economic and Construction Industry Outlook and 5 Year Forecast 2012-2016 “Market research, overview, SWOT analysis and 5 Year forecast for the Saudi Arabia economy and construction ind…
product – Saudi Arabia Retail Report
Saudi Arabia Retail Report
“This report presents a perspective of the current situation and the future outlook of the Macro and Retail Industry in the Saudi Arabia. It reviews the Saudi Arabia economy, the important economic in…